Engage And Empower: How The Community Advocate Supports Citizen Journalism

For a newspaper, citizen journalism is essential to get different points of view, find local news, and encourage involvement. It gives people a chance to raise the issues of grassroots projects and gives people who aren’t normally heard a chance to have their say in shaping their communities. People who live in Westborough, MA, and nearby areas can enjoy the freedom of reading and engaging with local journalism at The Community Advocate. At this newspaper, you aren’t just a reader of Marlborough events and news but also the maker of the stories you read. Let’s look at how The Community Advocate uses locals to become citizen journalists and gives them the tools to do so. Inviting residents to contribute The Community Advocate actively invites its readers to share their stories, news tips, and experiences with unsung heroes. Whatever people care about—a community event, a touching story, or a problem that needs to be fixed—The Community Advocate cares about it. The news...